
Balkan Insight:

Hearts and wallets: Battle for Montenegro’s Mamula Fortress

(article quoted by the CNN, Independent, Time, Washington Times, Daily Mail)

Plan to convert island fortress into a high-end resort angers families of locals imprisoned there during WW2, as experts warn Podgorica’s focus on tourism could undermine heritage preservation.

Investigation: Skopje Landfill Tender Winner: No Experience, No Investment

(Winner of 3rd MIM Prize for Best investigative story in Macedonia in 2014)

The firm charged with modernising one of Europe’s biggest landfills has no experience in the business, has not yet invested in the site and is already offering it up as a destination for Italy’s waste mountain, BIRN has learned.

Montenegro Energy Focus

Italy’s official motives for the deals with Montenegro may be related to meeting EU ‘green energy’ targets – but suspicions linger that other interests are at work. A focus page explaining what’s behind Italy-Montenegro energy deals, containing a dozen of articles including profiles, analyses, timeline.

BIRN Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence (2009)

Montenegro’s Gays Stay Hidden to Survive

Mirko and Nenad would like to forget the night when the Podgorica police caught them being intimate in a park and decided to teach them a lesson by beating them up and leaving them in the dark with no clothes. Naked, they returned home discretely and tried to conceal all traces of this ‘disgrace.’


Macedonia the Great: historical obsessions and Skopje 2014

I haven’t even landed properly in Skopje and I can see it already: a neon homage to one of the greatest figures of the antique world, whose disputed origins have become an emblem of the Greek-Macedonian conflict. On top of the tiny, shabby airport building – more reminiscent of communism than of antiquity – there it is, flashing in neon letters. The overall impression is emphasised by the last letter failing to light up: Skopje ‘Alexander the Great’ Airport. This article is also available in Italian.

Transitions Online:

A series of articles published during the Montenegro’s independence referendum campaign.

Tranzicijsko uništavanje Crne Gore

Sjever Crne Gore trbuhom za kruhom

Vijesti Daily, Montenegro:

Nisam Šarli

Nisi ni ti. Šarli je junačina, orden koji treba zaslužiti. Parola “Ja sam Šarli” je izbor revoltirane i politički korektne kukavice – dirljiva i licemjerna. Plan B nastao nakon odbacivanja očiglednijeg rješenja iz praktičnih razloga.

Muči, jade, da se kome ne zamjeriš

Kada je tada najmlađi evropski premijer počinjao svoju karijeru, ja sam kretala u osnovnu, a preko Debelog brijega sijevale su bombe. Tajčino “Hajde da ludujemo” zamijenili su narodnjaci, Djed Mraz je prestao da donosi bicikla i rolšule, a školski mangupi su se počeli vrijeđati nazivajući jedni druge ustašama. (“Mafijaš”, “mafijašica” bio je kompliment, sinonim za snalažljivost).

(A selection of articles I wrote as correspondent from Italy for the “Vijesti” Daily, Montenegro).

Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso

Articles I wrote for Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso (OBC)

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